All classes are Christ-centered, age-based, and thoughtfully prepared to suit your children’s needs. In order for children to get the full benefit and experience of the Children’s Program, it is recommended that they attend both Sunday School and Children’s Worship (Beginner’s Worship for the children under Kindergarten and WATT Hour for 1st-6th graders).
Our Children’s Ministry follows the S.A.F.E. Guidelines to help facilitate a positive, God-centered environment for the children.
S – Security: – Physical safety – we take measures to ensure all kids are properly checked in, doors and windows are secure, hazardous items are out of reach, and children are released to authorized individuals during pick-up.
A – Attentiveness—Emotional safety—Teachers anticipate the needs of the children so they can feel warmth, love, and acceptance.
F – Fun– Children’s programs contain activities that are stimulating and promote interactions with one another.
E – Enrichment—there is richness in the environment and teaching content. (i.e., Decorated kid-friendly spaces and resources.)
What Do We Do?
Birth to 3.5 years old
The Sonshine Center is our Nursery Program. Whether it be through play, songs, puppet shows, and interactions with their kind and tender-hearted teachers, we will be sharing the love of God to our youngest attendees. Every Sunday, our infants and toddlers will hear a short lesson and participate in singing songs of praise to our Lord. Our aim is to provide a safe and loving environment for the children and to teach them to love our Lord.
Pre-school to Kindergarten
Sunday School Classes are held twice, from 8:30-9:45 and again from 11:30-12:45pm. During this time, children learn to pray together, relate with one another in smaller groups, hear a Bible story, and interact with the lesson through crafts and other fun activities. At 10:00 is the Beginner’s Worship session. During this time, the children worship together and praise the Lord through songs, art, games, and memorizing Bible verses.
First to Sixth Grade
Sunday School classes are divided by age groups and are held twice every Sunday—once at 8:30am and again at 11:30am. Here, children will be nurtured in a small group environment and grow deeper in their relationship with the Lord, their understanding of His Word, and their relationship with each other. Help partner with us to equip your children to withstand the pressures and negative messages of the world and to teach them to live with integrity, purpose, and passion for Christ.